On April 25, 2023, the Oregon Public Utility Commission (Commission) issued an order in Docket No. AR 631 related to rules for contracting procedures and standard contracts for small qualifying facilities (QF) 10 MW and under. The Commission adopted new rules and directed the utilities in Oregon to file new standard contracts. [Read more…]
Oregon Commission Approves PacifiCorp’s Voluntary Renewable Energy Tariff
On December 16, 2022 the Oregon Public Utility Commission (Commission) approved PacifiCorp’s request for a general rate revision. The Oregon Commission approved a revenue requirement of approximately $51.4 million, representing a 3.9% increase from its previous rates. The Commission also approved new rates for the Power Cost Adjustment Mechanism (PCAM) and the Transition Adjustment Mechanism (TAM), and later in the proceeding approved a new green tariff for PacifiCorp. [Read more…]
BPA Adopted Settlement in TC-24 Related to Changes in BPA’s OATT
The Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) issued the Administrator’s Final Record of Decision (Final ROD) on February 9, 2023 in the TC-24 proceeding. The Final ROD adopts changes to the terms and conditions of BPA’s open access transmission tariff (OATT) in accordance with the settlement reached among parties to the TC-24 proceeding (the TC-24 Settlement). The TC-24 Settlement itself was adopted following a collaborative process that included stakeholder workshops and settlement negotiations. [Read more…]
The DC Circuit Court of Appeals Upheld the FERC’s Grant of QF Status to Broadview Solar’s Solar-Plus-Storage Facility
On February 14, 2023, the United States Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit affirmed the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) grant of qualifying facility (QF) status to Broadview Solar. The Court upheld FERC’s decision that a 160 MW solar-plus-storage project is a QF under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA). [Read more…]
Oregon Commission Issues Order in Docket No. UM 2032 Related to Network Upgrade Cost Allocation and Interconnection Service for QFs
On January 20, 2023, the Oregon Public Utility Commission (Commission) released an order in Docket No. UM 2032 related to network upgrade cost allocation and interconnection service for qualifying facilities (QFs). The Commission directed Commission Staff to open an informal rulemaking related to state-jurisdictional transmission planning. The Commission also directed the utilities to accept an interconnection service besides Network Resource Integration Service (NRIS) if the QF will negotiate a non-standard contract and consent to curtailment. [Read more…]