On March 30, 2016, the Oregon Public Utility Commission (Oregon Commission) denied Northwest Natural Gas Company’s (NW Natural) proposed Combined Heat and Power greenhouse emission reduction program (CHP Program). While the CHP Program was not approved, the Oregon Commission indicated support for voluntary natural gas emission reduction programs and suggested an alternative program design that it would approve. [Read more…]
Oregon Commission Maintains 20 Year PURPA Contracts
On March 29, 2016, the Oregon Public Utility Commission (Oregon Commission) issued two orders resolving issues in PacifiCorp’s and Idaho Power’s separate proposals to lower the contract term and size thresholds for qualifying facilities (QF). The Oregon Commission retained the twenty-year contract term, with fifteen years of fixed prices. The Oregon Commission lowered the size threshold for published rates for solar QFs only to 3 megawatts (MW), but also allowed solar QFs to use standard contracts up to 10 MW in size. The Commission did not alter the size threshold for any other QFs. [Read more…]
PacifiCorp’s Oregon Avoided Cost Rate Reduction Rejected
On March 22, 2016, the Oregon Public Utility Commission (Oregon Commission) issued an order rejecting PacifiCorp’s avoided cost rate reduction. PacifiCorp claimed not to need new renewable resources, which the Oregon Commission did not believe because the recent amendments to the Oregon renewable portfolio standard will double the utility’s need to acquire new renewable resources. The Commission directed PacifiCorp to work with staff, and other interested parties to establish a process to review PacifiCorp’s avoided cost rates. [Read more…]
Avista’s Oregon Rates Increase
On March 15, 2016, the Oregon Public Utility Commission (Oregon Commission) approved an increase to Avista Corporation’s (Avista) revenue requirement by $4,460,000, representing a 4.9% rate increase. The Oregon Commission resolved a number of other important issues, including the Energy Trust of Oregon (ETO) taking over the utility’s energy efficiency program, a revenue-per-customer decoupling mechanism, a new capital structure and return on equity, the prudence of certain capital additions, and recovery of pension, medical, bonuses and other costs. [Read more…]
PGE’s Avoided Cost Rate Reduction Rejected
On January 26, 2016, the Oregon Public Utility Commission (the Oregon Commission) rejected Portland General Electric Company’s (PGE) proposed avoided cost rate reduction. PGE had proposed to significantly lower avoided cost rates outside of the established rules and processes. The Oregon Commission chastised PGE for makings its procedurally incorrect filing, but urged the utility to re-file and have its avoided cost rates properly evaluated. [Read more…]