On January 7, 2016, the Utah Public Service Commission (the Utah Commission) issued an order rejecting PacifiCorp’s (dba Rocky Mountain Power) proposal to shorten the qualifying facility (QF) contract term from twenty to three years. The Commission instead lowered the contract term to fifteen years. The order is a victory for non-utility owned renewable energy generators in Utah. [Read more…]
Oregon Commission Approves PacifiCorp’s Direct Access and Power Cost Filing
On December 11, 2015, the Oregon Public Utility Commission (Oregon Commission) issued its final order approving PacifiCorp’s Oregon power costs and direct access program in their entirety. The order will result in a small rate increase and no changes to PacifiCorp’s direct access program, which has low participation levels. [Read more…]
Washington Commission Rejects PacifiCorp PURPA Change
On November 12, 2015, the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (the Washington Commission) issued its final order in PacifiCorp’s Washington avoided cost case. The Washington Commission rejected the company’s proposal to eliminate capacity payments. The Washington Commission concluded that some sort of capacity payment was warranted because PacifiCorp’s projected market prices did not reasonably account for the company’s full avoided costs. [Read more…]
Idaho Commission Limits PURPA Contract Terms
On August 20, 2015, the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (Idaho Commission) issued an order shortening the contract term for certain new and renewing qualifying facilities (QF) to two years. The decision is a major loss for wind and solar QFs, and all projects sized 10 megawatts (MW) and above. Non-wind and solar QFs under 10 MWs will remain eligible for long term contracts at published avoided cost rates. It is likely that the Idaho Commission’s order will significantly reduce the development of new wind and solar in Idaho, which was experiencing record growth. [Read more…]
Ninth Circuit Rejects Challenge to FERC Decisions on BPA Oversupply
On August 10, 2015, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals (Ninth Circuit) rejected a challenge to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) decisions finding that Bonneville Power Administration’s (BPA) policies discriminated against wind generators. The Ninth Circuit did not address the merits of the appeal, but found that the BPA’s wholesale preference customers did not have statutory standing to challenge FERC’s decision. [Read more…]