Oregon Court of Appeals Dismisses Utility Appeal regarding PURPA Fixed Price Payments

In December 2020, the Oregon Court of Appeals dismissed Portland General Electric Company’s (PGE’s) appeal of the Oregon Public Utility Commission’s (Oregon Commission’s) decision in Docket No. UM 1805 regarding contract term requirements under the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA). The Court’s decision capped a series of decisions affirming a long-standing Oregon Commission policy where qualifying facilities (QFs) eligible for standard contracts receive 15 years of fixed price payments.    [Read more…]

PacifiCorp Utah and Oregon GRC Orders

In late December 2020, the Utah Public Service Commission (Utah Commission) and the Oregon Public Utility Commission (Oregon Commission) issued separate orders on PacifiCorp’s Utah and Oregon general rate cases. On December 30, the Utah Commission granted an increase to PacifiCorp, dba Rocky Mountain Power’s (PacifiCorp) annual revenue requirement of $31.41 million. In its initial Utah filing, PacifiCorp sought to increase its retail rates by $95.78 million, or 4.8%. On December 18, 2020, the Oregon Commission ordered a decrease to PacifiCorp’s revenue requirement of approximately $20.9 million, representing a 1.6% decrease from the its previous rates. PacifiCorp’s initial Oregon filing sought an increase of $78 million, or approximately 6%.  [Read more…]

The Montana Supreme Court Rules Against the Montana Commission’s Approval of Shorter Contract Terms and Lower Avoided Cost Prices

On August 24, 2020, the Montana Supreme Court ruled against the Montana Public Service Commission’s (Montana Commission) actions to reduce avoided cost rates and shorten contract terms for power purchase agreements between the utilities and solar Qualifying Facilities (QFs). The ruling is a victory for renewable energy developers and advocates, as it upheld an integral piece of the Public Utility Regulatory Policy Act of 1978’s (PURPA) that encourages QF development. [Read more…]

Washington Commission Focuses on Protecting Customers During the COVID Pandemic in Puget Sound Energy Rate Case

On July 8, 2020, the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (Washington Commission) rejected Puget Sound Energy’s (PSE’s) proposed rate increases for electric and natural gas customers and instead authorized much smaller increases that effectively provided a less than one percent increase. The Washington Commission’s decision reflects the Washington Commission’s efforts to protect ratepayers during the COVID-19 pandemic.  
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Wyoming Commission Reduces PURPA Contract Terms and Changes PacifiCorp’s Avoided Cost Pricing Method

On June 23, 2020, the Wyoming Public Service Commission (Wyoming Commission) partially granted a request from PacifiCorp, dba Rocky Mount Power, for authority to modify its Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) contracts with qualifying facilities (QFs). Within the same proceeding, the Wyoming Commission approved PacifiCorp’s other proposed changes to its avoided cost pricing methodology.  [Read more…]