Archives for March 2015

New PacifiCorp Oregon Direct Access Tariff

On February 24, 2015, the Oregon Public Utility Commission (Oregon Commission) issued an order approving PacifiCorp’s five-year direct access opt-out tariff. All other parties to the case, including the Commission Staff, commercial and industrial customers, independent power producers, and energy marketers opposed PacifiCorp’s proposal and supported an alternative five-year opt-out tariff. The five-year opt-out tariff was intended to provide PacifiCorp’s Oregon direct access eligible customers with a realistic opportunity to purchase power from non-utility energy marketers. The order, however, will likely maintain the status quo with minimal participation in PacifiCorp’s direct access program.    [Read more…]

OPUC Rejects Avista Rate Case Settlement

On February 23, 2015, the Oregon Public Utility Commission (Oregon Commission) took the unusual step of rejecting an all-party settlement in Avista’s general rate case. The parties had agreed to reduce Avista’s $9.8 million (9.8% average) rate increase to $6.1 million (6.1% average), resolve a number of controversial issues, and allow Avista to increase rates early (March 1, 2015 rather than July 3, 2015). The Oregon Commission rejected the settlement because of concerns regarding a proposed early rate increase and implementation credit, the rate spread, and the customer count tracking mechanism.   [Read more…]