Utah Commission Requires PacifiCorp to Enter into QF Contract

On July 29, 2016, the Utah Public Service Commission (the Utah Commission) required PacifiCorp (dba Rocky Mountain Power) to enter into a twenty-year power purchase agreement at higher avoided cost rates than were existence when PacifiCorp ultimately decided to sign the contract.   [Read more…]

Wyoming Commission Declines to Modify PURPA Contracts

On June 23, 2016, the Wyoming Public Service Commission (Wyoming Commission) denied a request from PacifiCorp, dba Rocky Mountain Power, for authority to modify its Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA) contracts with qualifying facilities (QF). PacifiCorp attempted to reduce the maximum contract term of prospective power purchase agreements (PPA) from 20 to three years and to modify its avoided cost calculation method to include all active QF projects in its pricing queue. The Wyoming Commission determined that PacifiCorp failed to meet its burden to show its proposed modifications were reasonable, would solve the alleged problems, and were in the public interest of Wyoming customers.   [Read more…]

Oregon Commission Maintains 20 Year PURPA Contracts

On March 29, 2016, the Oregon Public Utility Commission (Oregon Commission) issued two orders resolving issues in PacifiCorp’s and Idaho Power’s separate proposals to lower the contract term and size thresholds for qualifying facilities (QF). The Oregon Commission retained the twenty-year contract term, with fifteen years of fixed prices. The Oregon Commission lowered the size threshold for published rates for solar QFs only to 3 megawatts (MW), but also allowed solar QFs to use standard contracts up to 10 MW in size. The Commission did not alter the size threshold for any other QFs.   [Read more…]

PacifiCorp’s Oregon Avoided Cost Rate Reduction Rejected

On March 22, 2016, the Oregon Public Utility Commission (Oregon Commission) issued an order rejecting PacifiCorp’s avoided cost rate reduction. PacifiCorp claimed not to need new renewable resources, which the Oregon Commission did not believe because the recent amendments to the Oregon renewable portfolio standard will double the utility’s need to acquire new renewable resources. The Commission directed PacifiCorp to work with staff, and other interested parties to establish a process to review PacifiCorp’s avoided cost rates.   [Read more…]

PGE’s Avoided Cost Rate Reduction Rejected

On January 26, 2016, the Oregon Public Utility Commission (the Oregon Commission) rejected Portland General Electric Company’s (PGE) proposed avoided cost rate reduction. PGE had proposed to significantly lower avoided cost rates outside of the established rules and processes. The Oregon Commission chastised PGE for makings its procedurally incorrect filing, but urged the utility to re-file and have its avoided cost rates properly evaluated.   [Read more…]