Washington UTC Approves PSE-Microsoft Renewable Direct Access Contract

On July 13, 2017, the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (Washington Commission) approved a special contract between Puget Sound Energy (PSE) and Microsoft that was supported by a broad coalition of renewable energy advocates, independent power producers, environmentalists, ratepayer and low-income advocates, and the Commission Staff.    [Read more…]

Puget Sound Energy PURPA Rates Modified

On February 9, 2017, the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (Washington Commission) approved new avoided cost rates for Puget Sound Energy (PSE) after PSE abandoned its proposal to stop paying qualifying facilities (QFs) for capacity in certain years, and strongly encouraging PSE to enter into power purchase agreements (PPAs) with projects with delayed negotiations.   [Read more…]

Washington Commission Rejects Avista Rate Case

On December 15, 2016, the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (Washington Commission) rejected, in a 2-1 decision, Avista’s proposal to increase electric rates by 7.6 percent and natural gas rates by 2.8 percent. Rather than reduce the utility’s rate increase, the Washington Commission took the unusual action of simply rejecting in its entirety by concluding that Avista failed to carry its burden to show that its current rates are not fully sufficient to meet its needs.   [Read more…]

Washington Court Rejects PacifiCorp Rate Case Appeal

On April 27, 2016, the Washington Court of Appeals (Court) affirmed the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission’s (Washington Commission) order in PacifiCorp’s 2013 general rate case. The Court affirmed the Washington Commission’s conclusions: 1) refusing to change the company’s cost allocation methodology; and 2) approving a hypothetical capital structure rather than the utility’s actual capital structure.   [Read more…]

Washington Commission Rejects PacifiCorp PURPA Change

On November 12, 2015, the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (the Washington Commission) issued its final order in PacifiCorp’s Washington avoided cost case. The Washington Commission rejected the company’s proposal to eliminate capacity payments. The Washington Commission concluded that some sort of capacity payment was warranted because PacifiCorp’s projected market prices did not reasonably account for the company’s full avoided costs.   [Read more…]